এৰিষ্ট'টল: বিভিন্ন সংশোধনসমূহৰ মাজৰ পাৰ্থক্য

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'''এৰিষ্ট'টল''' ({{lang-grc|Ἀριστοτέλης}} {{IPA-grc|aristotélɛːs}}, ''Aristotélēs'') (৩৮৪ খৃঃপূঃ- ৩২২ খৃঃপূঃ)<ref>That these undisputed dates (the first half of the Olympiad year 384/383 BCE, and in 322 shortly before the death of Demosthenes) are correct was shown already by [[August Boeckh]] (''Kleine Schriften'' VI 195); for further discussion, see [[Felix Jacoby]] on ''[[FGrHist]]'' 244 F 38. Ingemar Düring, ''Aristotle in the Ancient Biographical Tradition'', Göteborg, 1957, p. 253.</ref> এগৰাকী গ্ৰীক দাৰ্শনিক আছিল। তেওঁৰ জন্ম ৩৮৪ খৃঃপূঃত গ্ৰীক দেশৰ এখন প্ৰাচীন নগৰ ষ্টেজাইৰাত হৈছিল। তেওঁৰ শৈশৱ অৱস্থাতে পিতৃ নিকোমাকাচৰ (Nicomachus) মৃত্যু হৈছিল। ফলস্বৰূপে তেওঁ এজন অভিভাৱকৰ তত্বাৱধানত ডাঙৰ-দীঘল হৈছিল। ১৮ বছৰ বয়সত এৰিষ্ট'টলে এথেঞ্চত অৱস্থিত প্লেটোৰ শিক্ষানুষ্ঠানত ভৰ্তি হৈছিল আৰু ৩৭ বছৰ বয়সলৈ তেওঁ তাত আছিল। তেওঁৰ ৰচনাই পদাৰ্থবিদ্যা, অধিবিদ্যা, কবিতা, নাট্যশাস্ত্ৰ, সঙ্গীত, তৰ্কশাস্ত্ৰ, বাখ্যান শাস্ত্ৰ ভাষাতত্ব,ৰাজনীতি বিজ্ঞান, চৰকাৰ, ন্যায়শাস্ত্ৰ, জীৱবিদ্যা, প্ৰাণীবিদ্যা আদি বিভিন্ন বিষয় সামৰি লৈছে। তেওঁৰ ৰচনাই পোন প্ৰথমবাৰৰ বাবে ন্যায়শাস্ত্ৰ, নন্দনতত্ব, তৰ্কশাস্ত্ৰ, বিজ্ঞান, ৰাজনীতি আৰু অধিবিদ্যাক সাঙুৰি পশ্চিমীয়া দৰ্শনশাস্ত্ৰৰ সৰ্বাত্মক পদ্ধতি এটাৰ সৃষ্টি কৰিছিল। প্লেটোৰ মৃত্যুৰ পিছতে তেওঁ এথেঞ্চৰ পৰা আঁতৰি আহিছিল। মেচিডনীয়াৰ ৰজা ফিলিপ দ্বিতীয়ৰ অনুৰোধ মৰ্মে তেওঁ ৩৫৬ খৃঃপূঃৰ পৰা ৩২৩ খৃঃপূঃলৈ আলেকজেণ্ডাৰৰ গৃহ শিক্ষকতাৰ দায়িত্ব গ্ৰহণ কৰিছিল।
Aristotle[[আলেক্‌জেণ্ডাৰ]]ৰ achievedশিক্ষক meritহিচাবে throughএৰিষ্ট'টলে teachingপ্ৰসিদ্ধি [[Alexanderলাভ theকৰে। Great]].এই Thisপদে distinctionতেওঁক allowedঅনেক himযোগাৰ manyযন্ত্ৰ opportunities,(ইং includingৱিকিত anথকামতে abundance of supplies.) আৰু ৰাজকীয় সা সুবিধাৰ অধিকাৰী কৰে। He established a library in the [[Lyceum]] with which many of his hundreds of books were produced. His writings cover many topics, including [[physics]], [[metaphysics]], [[poetry]], [[Theatre|theater]], [[music]], [[logic]], [[rhetoric]], [[linguistics]], [[politics]], [[government]], [[ethics]], [[biology]], and [[zoology]]. The fact that Aristotle was a pupil of Plato contributed to his former views of [[Platonism]], but following Plato’s death, Aristotle immersed himself in empirical studies and shifted from Platonism to empiricism .{{sfn|Barnes|2007|p=6}} He believed all peoples concepts and all of their knowledge was ultimately based on perception. Aristotle’s views on [[Natural Science|natural sciences]], including philosophy of the mind, body, sensory experience, memory, and biology represent the groundwork underlying many of his works. Many aspects of Aristotelian thought remain an active academic study, however, many of his writing are now lost with only one-third of his original works still surviving .{{sfn|Barnes|2007|p=9}}
Aristotle achieved merit through teaching [[Alexander the Great]]. This distinction allowed him many opportunities, including an abundance of supplies. He established a library in the [[Lyceum]] with which many of his hundreds of books were produced. His writings cover many topics, including [[physics]], [[metaphysics]], [[poetry]], [[Theatre|theater]], [[music]], [[logic]], [[rhetoric]], [[linguistics]], [[politics]], [[government]], [[ethics]], [[biology]], and [[zoology]]. The fact that Aristotle was a pupil of Plato contributed to his former views of [[Platonism]], but following Plato’s death, Aristotle immersed himself in empirical studies and shifted from Platonism to empiricism .{{sfn|Barnes|2007|p=6}} He believed all peoples concepts and all of their knowledge was ultimately based on perception. Aristotle’s views on [[Natural Science|natural sciences]], including philosophy of the mind, body, sensory experience, memory, and biology represent the groundwork underlying many of his works. Many aspects of Aristotelian thought remain an active academic study, however, many of his writing are now lost with only one-third of his original works still surviving .{{sfn|Barnes|2007|p=9}}
Aristotle's views on the [[Aristotelian physics|physical sciences]] profoundly shaped medieval scholarship, and their influence extended well into the [[Renaissance]], although they were ultimately replaced by [[Classical mechanics|Newtonian physics]]. In the zoological sciences, some of his observations were confirmed to be accurate only in the 19th century. His works contain the earliest known formal study of logic, which was incorporated in the late 19th century into modern [[formal logic]].
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