গ্ৰেগৰিয়ান বৰ্ষপঞ্জী: বিভিন্ন সংশোধনসমূহৰ মাজৰ পাৰ্থক্য

Removing Link GA template (handled by wikidata)
নিকাকৰণ বট পৰীক্ষা; লাচিত পেডৰ সহায়ত
44 নং শাৰী:
PlotArea = left:20 right:20 bottom:20 top:10
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Period = from:1550 till:2050
61 নং শাৰী:
BackgroundColors = canvas:canvas bars:canvas
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barset:evennement color:noir shift:(2,0) width:25
from:1582 till:1582 text:"1582~Spain, Portugal, and their possessions;~Italy, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth" shift:(2,5)
from:1582 till:1582 text:"1582~France, Netherlands, Savoy, Luxembourg"
from:1583 till:1583 text:"1583~Austria; Catholic Switzerland and Germany"
from:1587 till:1587 text:"1587~Hungary"
from:1605 till:1710 text:"1605-1710~Nova Scotia" color:bleuclair anchor:from
from:1610 till:1610 text:"1610~Prussia"
from:1582 till:1735 text:"1582-1735~Duchy of Lorraine" color:bleuclair anchor:from
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from:1867 till:1867 text:"1867~Alaska (Russia -> USA)"
from:1873 till:1873 text:"1873~Japan"
from:1875 till:1875 text:"1875~Egypt"
from:1896 till:1896 text:"1896~Korea"
from:1912 till:1912 text:"1912~Albania"
from:1915 till:1915 text:"1915~Latvia, Lithuania"
from:1916 till:1916 text:"1916~Bulgaria"
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from:1919 till:1919 text:"1919~Romania, Yugoslavia
from:1922 till:1922 text:"1922~USSR"
from:1923 till:1923 text:"1923~Greece"
from:1926 till:1926 text:"1926~Turkey"
#To start again the indentation in top
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