থমাছ আলভা এডিচন: বিভিন্ন সংশোধনসমূহৰ মাজৰ পাৰ্থক্য

32 নং শাৰী:
এডিচনে এখন চলন্ত ট্ৰেইনৰ সন্মুখৰ পৰা জিমি মেকেঞ্জি নামৰ এটা তিনিবছৰীয়া শিশুক বচাইছিল। জিমিৰ দেউতাক জে. ইউ. মেকেঞ্জি আছিল এজন ষ্টেচন এজেণ্ট। কৃতজ্ঞতাৰ চিন-স্বৰূপে জিমিৰ দেউতাকে এডিচনক টেলিগ্ৰাফ অপাৰেটৰৰ কাম শিকালে। কাম শিকি এডিচনে গ্ৰেণ্ড ট্ৰাংক ৰেলৱেৰ টেলিগ্ৰাফিৰ কামত সোমোল। <ref>Baldwin, page 37</ref> ১৯৬৬ চনত এডিচনে কেণ্টাকি প্ৰদেশৰ লুইচভিলিলৈ যাত্ৰা কৰিলে। তাত তেওঁ ৱেষ্টাৰ্ণ ইউনিয়নৰ এজন কৰ্মচাৰী ৰূপে সংবাদ প্ৰতিষ্ঠান [[এচোচিয়েটেড প্ৰেছ]]ত সেৱা আগবঢ়াবলৈ ললে। বৈজ্ঞানিক অধ্যয়ন আৰু পৰীক্ষা-নিৰীক্ষাৰ বাবে যাতে পৰ্যাপ্ত সময় পায়, তাৰ বাবে তেওঁ নাইট চিফ্ট (night shift) দিবলৈ কৰ্তৃপক্ষক অনুৰোধ জনালে।
Edison became a telegraph operator after he saved three-year-old Jimmie MacKenzie from being struck by a runaway train. Jimmie's father, [[station agent]] J.U. MacKenzie of [[Mount Clemens, Michigan]], was so grateful that he trained Edison as a telegraph operator. Edison's first telegraphy job away from Port Huron was at Stratford Junction, [[Ontario]], on the [[Grand Trunk Railway]].<ref>Baldwin, page 37</ref>
In 1866, at the age of 19, Thomas Edison moved to [[Louisville, Kentucky]], where, as an employee of [[Western Union]], he worked the [[Associated Press]] bureau [[news agency|news wire]]. Edison requested the night shift, which allowed him plenty of time to spend at his two favorite pastimes—reading and experimenting. Eventually, the latter pre-occupation cost him his job. One night in 1867, he was working with a [[lead–acid battery]] when he spilled [[sulfuric acid]] onto the floor. It ran between the floorboards and onto his boss's desk below. The next morning Edison was fired.<ref>Baldwin, pages 40–41</ref>
One of his mentors during those early years was a fellow telegrapher and inventor named [[Franklin Leonard Pope]], who allowed the impoverished youth to live and work in the basement of his [[Elizabeth, New Jersey]] home. Some of Edison's earliest inventions were related to telegraphy, including a stock ticker. His first patent was for the electric vote recorder, (U.S. Patent 90,646),<ref>{{cite web|url=http://patimg1.uspto.gov/.piw?docid=US000090646 |title=U.S. Patent 90,646 |publisher=Patimg1.uspto.gov |accessdate=January 9, 2010|archiveurl = http://www.webcitation.org/5umTav9mt |archivedate = December 6, 2010|deadurl=no}}</ref> which was granted on June 1, 1869.<ref>[http://edison.rutgers.edu/vote.htm The Edison Papers], Rutgers University. Retrieved March 20, 2007.</ref>