ৰবাৰ্ট ফ্ৰ'ষ্ট: বিভিন্ন সংশোধনসমূহৰ মাজৰ পাৰ্থক্য

66 নং শাৰী:
* After Apple-Picking
* Acquainted with the Night
* The Aim Was Song
* An Old Man's Winter Night
* The Armful
* Asking for Roses
* The Bear
* Bereft
* Birches
* The Black Cottage
* Bond and Free
* A Boundless Moment
* A Brook in the City
* But Outer Space
* Choose Something Like a Star
* A Cliff Dwelling
* The Code
* Come In
* A Considerable Speck
* The Cow in Apple-Time
* The Death of the Hired Man
* [http://www.pbs.org/newshour/inauguration/frost_poem.html Dedication]
* The Demiurge's Laugh
* Devotion
* Departmental
* Desert Places
* Design
* Directive
* A Dream Pang
* Dust of Snow
* The Egg and the Machine
* Evening in a Sugar Orchard
* The Exposed Nest
* The Fear
* Fire and Ice (1920)
* Fireflies in the Garden
* The Flower Boat
* Flower-Gathering
* For Once, Then Something
* Fragmentary Blue
* Gathering Leaves
* God's Garden
* The Generations of Men
* Ghost House
* The Gift Outright
* A Girl's Garden
* Going for Water
* Good Hours
* Good-bye, and Keep Cold
* The Gum-Gatherer
* A Hundred Collars
* Hannibal
* The Hill Wife
* Home Burial
* Hyla Brook
* In a Disused Graveyard
* In a Poem
* In Hardwood Groves
* In Neglect
* In White (Frost's Early Version of "Design")
* Into My Own
* A Late Walk
* Leaves Compared with Flowers
* The Line-Gang
* A Line-Storm Song
* The Lockless Door
* Love and a Question
* Lure of the West
* Meeting and Passing
* Mending Wall
* A Minor Bird
* The Mountain
* Mowing
* My Butterfly
* My November Guest
* The Need of Being Versed in Country Things
* Neither Out Far Nor in Deep
* Never Again Would Birds' Song Be the Same
* Not to Keep
* Nothing Gold Can Stay
* Now Close the Windows
* October
* On a Tree Fallen across the Road
* On Looking up by Chance at the Constellations
* Once by the Pacific (1916)
* One Step Backward Taken
* Out, Out (1916)
* The Oven Bird
* Pan With Us
* A Patch of Old Snow
* The Pasture
* Plowmen
* A Prayer in Spring
* Provide, Provide
* Putting in the Seed
* Quandary
* A Question
* Reluctance
* Revelation
* The Road Not Taken
* The Road That Lost its Reason
* The Rose Family
* Rose Pogonias
* The Runaway
* The Secret Sits
* The Self-Seeker
* A Servant to Servants
* The Silken Tent
* A Soldier
* The Sound of the Trees
* The Span of Life
* Spring Pools
* The Star-Splitter
* Stars
* Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
* Storm Fear
* The Telephone
* They Were Welcome to Their Belief
* A Time to Talk
* To E.T.
* To Earthward
* To the Thawing Wind
* Tree at My Window
* The Trial by Existence
* The Tuft of Flowers
* Two Look at Two
* Two Tramps in Mud Time
* The Vanishing Red
* The Vantage Point
* War Thoughts at Home
* What Fifty Said
* The Witch of Coös
* The Wood-Pile
===পদ্য সংকলন===