Pablo (WMF)
20 October 2022 তাৰিখে যোগ দিছে
About me
Hello, World! My name is Pablo, I joined the Wikimedia Foundation in February 2021 as a Research Scientist in the Research team. I am based in Barcelona.
My work
My background is in computational social science and social computing through interdisciplinary and participatory approaches to characterize and facilitate participation, deliberation and collaboration in online platforms.
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: I work for the Wikimedia Foundation, and this is the account I intend to use for edits or statements I make in that role. However, the Foundation does not vet all my activity, so edits, statements, or other contributions made by this account may not reflect the views of the Foundation.
Say hi!
- email:
- twitter: @elaragon
- IRC: elaragon (#wikimedia-researchconnect)
- Personal website:
iD |
Ongoing projects |
Completed projects |
Organizing committees
Program committees
Selected papers
(Full list available at )
- Das, P., Johnson, I., Sáez-Trumper, D., Aragón, P. (2024) Language-Agnostic Modeling of Wikipedia Articles for Content Quality Assessment across Languages. ICWSM-24 - 18th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, Buffalo, New York, United States.
- Baigutanova, A., Saez-Trumper, D., Redi, M., Cha, M., & Aragón, P. (2023). A Comparative Study of Reference Reliability in Multiple Language Editions of Wikipedia. 32nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM ’23), October 21–25, 2023, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
- Aragón, P., & Sáez-Trumper, D. (2021). A preliminary approach to knowledge integrity risk assessment in Wikipedia projects. MIS2’21: Misinformation and Misbehavior Mining on the Web Workshop held in conjunction with KDD 2021, Online.
Talks and panels
- Talk on A Tour through Source Reliability in Wikipedia at the University of Konstanz (21/10/2024).
- Talk on Research to support multilingual knowledge on Wikipedia at Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2024 (20-22/09/2024).
- Talk on Investigación al servicio de lxs desarrolladorxs de Wikimedia at esLibre 2024 conference (24/05/2024).
- Talk on Wikimedia Research en la era de la Inteligencia Artificial at III Jornadas de Cultura Libre (21/03/2024).
- Talk on Multilingual approaches to support knowledge integrity in Wikipedia at the Wikimedia Research Showcase (19/07/2023).
- Talk on Controversies over Historical Revisionism in Japanese Wikipedia at The Weaponization of Knowledge Conference (11-14/07/2023).
- Panel on The Sociopolitical Impact of AI at the Digital Humanism Summit on AI and Democratic Sustainability (03/07/2023).
- Panel on Applied Computational Social Sciences at the 18th International Conference on Internet, Law and Politics (15/06/2023).
- Panel on A bullshit-free Internet: strategies against disinformation at Decidim Fest 2022 (13/10/2022).
- Panel on Reclaiming our Utopia for a future with Open Knowledge at its core at the Open Knowledge Symposium (12/05/2022).
- Keynote on A preliminary approach to knowledge integrity risk assessment in Wikipedia projects at InDICEs Bootcamp (23/11/2021).
- Workshop on Indicators for the Wikimedia Projects at Wikimania 2021 with Marc Miquel, Martin Gerlach (WMF), Miriam Redi (WMF), David Laniado and Cristian Consonni (15/08/2021).
- I Encuentro wikimedista sobre lucha contra la desinformación en Wikipedia en español with Anna Torres (WMAR), Virginia Díez (WMES), Rocío Aravena Villaroel (WMCL), Pepe Flores (WMMX), and Rubén Ojeda (WMES) (25/06/2021).
Collaborations and Internships
If you are a researcher that wants to collaborate with us, please check our Formal Collaborations Program, and send me an e-mail.
If you are a student that wants to do an internship with us, please send me an e-mail explaining your research interests.