সাঁচ:Infobox Indian Awards/doc
এয়া হৈছে ‘সাঁচ:Infobox Indian Awards’ শীৰ্ষক সাঁচটোৰ নথিকৰণৰ উপপৃষ্ঠা। ইয়াত সাঁচটো ব্যৱহাৰৰ তথ্য, শ্ৰেণীসমূহ, আন্তঃৱিকি সংযোগবোৰ আৰু অন্য সমল থাকে, যিবোৰ মূল সাঁচ পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ অংশ নহয়। |
Usage Details
সম্পাদনা কৰক{{Infobox Indian Awards | awardname = | image = | type = Gallantry / Civilian | category = National / International / Bravery / Children / Sports / Literature / Movies | instituted = year | firstawarded = year | lastawarded = year | total = total number awarded so far | awardedby = name of institution awarding this award (name of trust/govt. of India) | cashaward = award amount (if available) | medal = medal name / description (if available) | description = brief description (if available) | previousnames = previous names (if any) (till which year) | obverse = obverse description if it is a medal | reverse = reverse description if it is a medal | ribbon = description of ribbon (if available) | firstawardees = first awardees (if more than one, separate using <br/>) | lastawardees = last awardees (if more than one, separate using <br/>) | precededby = award above this rank (if none, mention as none) | followedby = award below this rank (if none, mention as none) }}