সাঁচ:New unreviewed article
![]() | This page is a new unreviewed article. This template should be removed once the page has been reviewed by someone other than its creator; if necessary the page should be appropriately tagged for cleanup. If you are the article's creator, you can seek feedback on your new article. |
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This template is used by the standard installation of Twinkle. If you are planning to make major changes to this template or nominate it for deletion, please notify Twinkle's user base and maintainers at Wikipedia talk:Twinkle as a courtesy. |
সম্পাদনা কৰকThis template adds articles to Category:Unreviewed new articles or a dated subcategory thereof, unless the parameter source=ArticleWizard is used, in which case it's Category:Unreviewed new articles created via the Article Wizard or a dated subcategory thereof.
The template should be removed manually by any editor except the person who created the page as soon as the editor has looked over the new article and determined that the new article does not qualify for speedy deletion (e.g., for libel or copyright violations). Optionally, while you are looking over the page, please consider cleaning up any major problems or appropriately tagging it for cleanup.
This template should not be substed.
This template is added automatically to articles created via the Wikipedia:Article wizard 2.0 (the discussion page is at WT:WIZ2).
See also
সম্পাদনা কৰক- {{New user article}}
- {{New page}}
- {{Userspace draft}}
The above documentation is transcluded from সাঁচ:New unreviewed article/doc. (edit | history) Editors can experiment in this template's sandbox (create | mirror) and testcases (create) pages. Please add categories and interwikis to the /doc subpage. Subpages of this template. |