
This template normalises an input to be a yes/no output.

Usage সম্পাদনা কৰক

The template has five possible outputs depending on the default parameter (input if you will).

In its simplest usage these will all be either "yes" or "" (blank - nothing no characters).

  1. {{yesno|yes}} result "yes" (also applies to "Yes", "YeS", etc, "Y", "y" and "1")
  2. {{yesno|no}} result "" (also applies to "No", "NO", "nO", "N", "n" and "0")
  3. {{yesno}} result ""
  4. {{yesno|¬}} result ""
  5. {{yesno|purplemonkeydishwasher}} result "yes" (also applies to any other value not given above).

Each of these can be over-ridden.

  1. {{yesno|yes|yes=bacon}} result "bacon" (also applies to "Yes", "YeS", etc, "Y", "y" and "1")
  2. {{yesno|no|no=ham}} result "ham" (also applies to "No", "NO", "nO", "N", "n" and "0")
  3. {{yesno|blank= eggs}} result "eggs"
    1. but {{yesno|no=ham}} result "ham"
    2. and {{yesno|blank= eggs|no=ham}} result "eggs"
  4. {{yesno|¬|¬=sausage}} result "sausage"
  5. {{yesno|purplemonkeydishwasher|def=cup-of-tea}} result "cup-of-tea" (also applies to any other value not given above).
    1. but {{yesno|purplemonkeydishwasher|yes=bacon}} result "bacon"
    2. but {{yesno|purplemonkeydishwasher|def=cup-of-tea|yes=bacon}} result "cup-of-tea"

This may be used (apparently perversely) thus:

  • {{yesno|yes|yes=no|no=yes}} result "no"
  • {{yesno|no|yes=no|no=yes}} result "yes"

This creates a logical inversion.

See also সম্পাদনা কৰক

  • Template:Yesno2 – slower version of this template which can handle ref tags inside the values