Bill william comptonৰ বৰঙণিসমূহ
Bill william comptonৰ বাবে আলোচনা বাৰণ সূচী আপল'ডসমূহ অভিলেখ global block log global account অপব্যৱহাৰ অভিলেখ
A user with 7 edits. Account created on 8 November 2011.
26 October 2013
- 07:4307:43, 26 October 2013 সালসলনি ইতিহাস +9 সাঁচ:Country data Kingdom of Hungary 'Flag of Hungary 1940.svg' -> 'Flag of Hungary (1920–1946).svg' using GlobalReplace v0.2a - Fastily's PowerToys: File renaming criterion #5: Correct obvious errors in file names (e.g. incorrect proper nouns or false ... বৰ্তমান
- 07:4007:40, 26 October 2013 সালসলনি ইতিহাস +9 সাঁচ:Country data Hungary 'Flag of Hungary 1940.svg' -> 'Flag of Hungary (1920–1946).svg' using GlobalReplace v0.2a - Fastily's PowerToys: File renaming criterion #5: Correct obvious errors in file names (e.g. incorrect proper nouns or false ... বৰ্তমান
5 October 2013
- 04:2304:23, 5 October 2013 সালসলনি ইতিহাস +4 সাঁচ:অসমৰ ইতিহাস 'IndiaAssam.png' -> 'Assam in India.png' using GlobalReplace v0.2a - Fastily's PowerToys: Correct misleading names into accurate ones
- 04:2304:23, 5 October 2013 সালসলনি ইতিহাস +4 ২০০৮ চনৰ অসমৰ বোমা বিস্ফোৰণ 'IndiaAssam.png' -> 'Assam in India.png' using GlobalReplace v0.2a - Fastily's PowerToys: Correct misleading names into accurate ones
14 May 2013
- 15:0915:09, 14 May 2013 সালসলনি ইতিহাস +108 অ অসমৰ ৰাজনীতি File renamed: File:AGP Flag.svg → File:Flag of Asom Gana Parishad.svg File renaming criterion #6: Harmonize file names of a set of images (so that only one part of all names differs) to ease the...
- 15:0915:09, 14 May 2013 সালসলনি ইতিহাস +18 অ ২০১১ৰ অসম বিধানসভা নিৰ্বাচন File renamed: File:AGP Flag.svg → File:Flag of Asom Gana Parishad.svg File renaming criterion #6: Harmonize file names of a set of images (so that only one part of all names differs) to ease the...
- 15:0915:09, 14 May 2013 সালসলনি ইতিহাস +18 অ অসম গণ পৰিষদ File renamed: File:AGP Flag.svg → File:Flag of Asom Gana Parishad.svg File renaming criterion #6: Harmonize file names of a set of images (so that only one part of all names differs) to ease the...