"প্ৰায়েদিন লয়" প্ৰতিশব্দটো মান্যনে? — গীতাৰ্থ বৰদলৈ (talk) 14:13, 15 আগষ্ট 2014 (UTC)

প্ৰায়েদিন বুলি অসমীয়া ভাষাত কোনো শব্দ আছে জানো, তাতকৈ দৈনিক শব্দটোৱেই শুদ্ধ হব নেকি? আৰু মূল ইংৰাজী শব্দৰ প্ৰকৃত প্ৰতিশব্দ নাথাকিলে নিজে সৃষ্টি কৰাতকৈ ইংৰাজীটোকে লিপ্যান্তৰ কৰি লিখিলেহে ভাল হয়। দিব্য দত্ত (talk) 20:46, 18 মাৰ্চ 2015 (UTC)
"দিবস চক্ৰ" বুলিব পৰা যায়। কিন্তু জোৰকৈ অনুবাদ কৰাতকৈ ইংৰাজীটোক লিপ্যান্তৰ কৰি লিখাই ভাল। প্রভাকৰ শৰ্মা নেওগ (talk) 03:53, 19 মাৰ্চ 2015 (UTC)

In the English version of the article, the genesis of the word is clearly given as thus. "The term "circadian" comes from the Latin circa, meaning "around" (or "approximately"), and diēs, meaning "day". .. It was also written in that that the word was coined by someone Franz Halberg in 1950s. Before that there was no word like "circadian" in English. The best translation for that word into Assamese, I found, to be what I coined "প্ৰায়েদিন লয়" delivering the fairly approximate and understandable meaning since I found no such word till then in Assamese. You can keep it or remove it. But if this word is used anywhere in future for the purpose of meaning "circadian" in Assamese, the author should give credit to me. Otherwise he will be sued. The word "দিবস চক্ৰ" can be termed nothing but something ridiculous and weird against the English word and will fetch 0/10 marks in primary school exams for bad translation  :-) JBDVIJASDVI (talk) 03:34, 26 মাৰ্চ 2015 (UTC)

আপোনাৰ কথা খিনিৰ যথেষ্ট যুক্তি আছে JBDVIJASDVI ডাঙৰীয়া। এনে নতুন শব্দৰ সৃষ্টি আৰু বিকাশে আমাৰ ভাষাটোকো সমৃদ্ধিশালী কৰিব সেয়াও সত্য, কিন্তু যিহেতু এই "প্ৰায়েদিন" শব্দটো এতিয়াও বৈধকৰণ হোৱা নাই লগতে অসমৰ বিজ্ঞানৰ লগত জড়িত কোনো চৰকাৰী বা বেচৰকাৰী সংস্থাই স্বীকৃতি প্ৰদান কৰা নাই, সেইবাবে শব্দটো ৱিকিপিডিয়াত থকাটো উচিত নে অনুচিত সেয়া বিচাৰ্য যেন লাগিছে। দিব্য দত্ত (talk) 07:32, 26 মাৰ্চ 2015 (UTC)
দিব্য দত্ত, বৈধকৰণৰ দোহাই দি মাতৃভাষাৰ বন্ধ্যাকৰণ কৰা অনুচিত। পাৰে যদি অবৈধ ইংমীয়া শব্দবোৰ আঁতৰ কৰো আহকচোঁন। অসমীয়া (লিপিৰ) পোচাক পিন্ধি এই বিদেশী (শব্দ)বোৰে আমাৰ ভাষাটোক নিঃকিন কৰি নেপেলাবনে  ? JBDVIJASDVI (talk) 18:57, 28 এপ্ৰিল 2015 (UTC)
We cannot coin new terms for articles in wikipedia according to the policy. We can only use recognized words. — গীতাৰ্থ বৰদলৈ (talk) 07:48, 26 মাৰ্চ 2015 (UTC)

Title Change Policy in English Wikipedia is pretty clear : Changing one controversial title to another without a discussion that leads to consensus is strongly discouraged. If an article title has been stable for a long time, and there is no good reason to change it, it should not be changed. Consensus among editors determines if there does exist a good reason to change the title. If it has never been stable, or it has been unstable for a long time, and no consensus can be reached on what the title should be, default to the title used by the first major contributor after the article ceased to be a stub.

Now the points are , since the creation of the article far back in 15th August,2014 , no editor has made any changes in the content of the article. Article is stable. But it is remaining a stub. A stub may not be removed only because it is a stub. First , contribute to the article's content. Then you become an editor. Your source can be the English wiki article itself and all the references therein can be your references as well. You need not do original research by finding out Assamese books covering that particular article. Probably you will not find it. So far as article naming in English wiki is concerned, read this in their policy "In deciding whether and how to translate a foreign name into English, follow English-language usage. If there is no established English-language treatment for a name, translate it if this can be done without loss of accuracy and with greater understanding for the English-speaking reader." Same applies in Assamese as well. The word "circadian" is a normal English word in dictionary and now it is not even necessary to indicate its origin or inventor each time it is used. What I did is just translating it into Assamese from the English one. You can't just accommodate the word "circadian" in Assamese in its transliterated form because that will make no sense to an Assamese thinker. Use of English words while speaking Assamese, as most of the Gen-X guys & gals do these days has made them unintelligible to those who don't know English and that is not acceptable. 13:34, 26 মাৰ্চ 2015 (UTC)

কেতিয়াবা যে অসমীয়া নাম নাপাম তেনে নহয়, কিন্তু প্ৰতিশব্দ সৃষ্টি কৰিবলৈ গ'লে দহজনে দহটা নাম ক'ব পাৰে। আনকি কম্পিউটাৰ মাইচকো 'নিগনি' নাম দি দিব পাৰি। গতিকে কোনো পৰিভাষিক অভিধান, স্কুল-কলেজৰ পাঠ্যপুথি বা আন গ্ৰহণযোগ্য উৎসত নোপোৱালৈকে কাৰিকৰী শব্দবোৰ যথাযথ ৰখাৰ নিয়মকে অসমীয়া ৱিকিপিডিয়াত মানি চলা হৈছে। নহ'লে অলপ খেলিমেলি হ'ব পাৰে। (মোৰ আগৰ মন্তব্যটো উগ্ৰ যেন লাগিব পাৰে বাবে এটা শাৰী আঁতৰাই দিছোঁ।) — গীতাৰ্থ বৰদলৈ (talk) 19:51, 26 মাৰ্চ 2015 (UTC)
Well, going by your previous comment, if we are to use only the recognized words, a great problem would possibly arise simply because English has around 7.5 lakhs words in its coffer and it is increasing day by day. They adopt newer and newer words & expressions from various languages and sources quite freely without a conservative attitude. While Assamese has only around 1.5 lakhs words if not less. Even then, our language is not at all that poor. What you have to do is to explore the possibilities. An ingenious combination of two or three popular or common words , if that sounds well and able to give a new meaning without loss of accuracy and understanding for the Assamese-speaking reader, should be welcome. You can't call it original research for you are not inventing a new formula or propagating a new hypothesis or rediscovering a nascent idea of a semi established theory by delving deep into it and coming out with further analysis and result to establish or de-establish facts or myths.

It is a simple and tactful use of language. Try to find out why an expression like "Village Pump" has evolved. In a typical Assamese village scenario, চাৰিআলিৰ পান-দোকান , হাটৰ-চুপতি , নামঘৰ, আহঁতৰ-তল etc would have given the same meaning, for most of the villages , villagers do not line up in front of a hand pump either because there is no such hand pumps or because every households has a personal one or a community well or if fortunate , a PHE tap.

The word তলুৱাৰ নিগনি for a Computer Mouse was first used by me ( not in an article but one of my comments directed to you or else somewhere) and aptly called the process of clicking on the computer screen as কুটা ( a normal behavior of a mouse when it finds a cloth screen). Ask an Assamese thinker who have never seen using computer machine, to find out which is the তলুৱাৰ নিগনি there , I am sure he will do it. He may also be able to tell you where is the "Screen" and what is a "Click". Though it may sound ridiculous, but has a powerful impact on his mind. You may think why a word Mouse has come up for the device and discover the same logic. Now for an Assamese thinker, who does not know English, if you introduce him the mouse of a computer m/c, he may remember it as mouse but still it is possible that he may not be knowing that an actual নিগনি , he sees everyday, is "mouse" in English.

Come on, let's not call it original research , but just a tactful use of language, without losing our what we call নিজস্বতা . How can you see your mother (tongue) begging for words ???? Show her what you can do. She gave you what she could. Now its your turn. :-( JBDVIJASDVI (talk) 03:03, 27 মাৰ্চ 2015 (UTC)

মই নতুন অসমীয়া শব্দ উদ্ভাৱনৰ বিৰোধী নহয়, ৱিকিপিডিয়াত তাৰ আৰম্ভণি কৰাতহে (বিশেষকৈ শিৰোনামত) আপত্তি। আমি অনানুষ্ঠানিকভাৱে এইটো নিয়মকে মানি আহিছোঁ। কিন্তু কেৱল মই ক'লেই বেয়া হ'ব; আনবোৰ সদস্যই আলোচনা কৰি আৰু প্ৰয়োজন হ'লে ভোটিং কৰি নীতি এটা প্ৰস্তুত কৰিব লাগে। — গীতাৰ্থ বৰদলৈ (talk) 08:58, 27 মাৰ্চ 2015 (UTC)

Hypocrtical/Incomprehensible Template Message সম্পাদনা কৰক

Why this article is protected & at the same time editors are called upon to edit it ?

Why Undo option not there in History section ?

How to remove a Hypocrtical/Incomprehensible Template Message from this article ? JBDVIJASDVI (talk) 13:34, 27 এপ্ৰিল 2015 (UTC)

English ADJECTIVES can't be accommodated in Assamese Language. Circadian is an adjective. Transliteration/transcription is to be resorted to in case of Proper Names only. Proper Names should not be translated if it is not established."New Delhi" is Proper Name but Assamese established word for New Delhi is "নতুন দিল্লি" which can be used without hesitation in translated articles. But for the sentence "New Delhi is a beautiful city" where "beautiful" is ADJECTIVE, if we say "নতুন দিল্লি এখন বিউটিফুল চহৰ" , that will not be acceptable Assamese at all. JBDVIJASDVI (talk) 12:29, 28 এপ্ৰিল 2015 (UTC)
"circadian" শব্দটো বিশেষণ হয়। কিন্তু আমাৰ আলোচ্য বিষয়টো হৈছে "circadian rhythm" সম্পূৰ্ণ বাক্যাংশটো। এই দিশৰপৰা চাবলৈ গ'লে ই এটা কাৰ্যৰ নাম, সেয়ে বিশেষ্য। প্রভাকৰ শৰ্মা নেওগ (talk) 15:10, 28 এপ্ৰিল 2015 (UTC)

অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি সহমত স্থাপন নোহোৱালৈকে প্ৰবন্ধটোৰ বিলোপনৰ প্ৰস্তাব সম্পৰ্কীয় টেমপ্লেটটো উঠাই নিদিয়ে যেন। প্রভাকৰ শৰ্মা নেওগ (talk) 15:23, 28 এপ্ৰিল 2015 (UTC)

Circadian and Rhythm are both treated separately in the Oxford.[1]. Biological rhythms (Rhythm is Noun b.t.w) are not only circadian, but can be of various periodicity. Only some are circadian (adj) i.e. প্ৰায়+এদিনীয়া . Similarly Rhythms are not only biological but can be musical too JBDVIJASDVI (talk) 17:34, 28 এপ্ৰিল 2015 (UTC)
  1. http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/circadian
"প্ৰায়েদিন লয়" পৃষ্ঠালৈ উভতি যাওক।